Eventhough in the paper asked us to do it in three hours but En Redzuan decided to change it to two hours only. When opened this workshop sheet, this the circuit that we have to do
This task is very challenging because first we have to draw the circuit in multisim first and then transfer it to ultiboard. For me who always used multisim version 11 found some difficult to use multisim version 10 but nevermind thats not the reason why i cant did this task successfully. After finished rearranged the circuit in multisim, we have to transfer the circuit to ultiboard for making the circuit in 3D version. Before start this task, En Ridzuan have decided to ask us to change the wire to 25 mil and also he did not want to see the board in rectangle shape. He want us to be more creative in designing the circuit.This situation made us more depressed because we have to placed the component in one large board without having red circle which means the wire was too close to the component or other else. After almost two hours designed the circuit in good situation, now I want to show to you all the readers my final circuit is....
the top of the board..
the bottom of the board..
I think thats all the things that i want to share with you all the readers. I promise that I will share with you all the readers what I learn on the next class. Once again, SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI to you guys and Assalamualaikum..