Friday, 30 November 2012

Visiting Canon Opto

Last Tuesday, as early as 7.30 am all students of Electronic System Engineering  gathered at Kolej Siswa Jaya (KSJ) before moving to Canon Opto Malaysia. All of us were very excited having our first experience visiting a factory officially. Unfortunately, we arrive 45 minutes late from the schedule and it makes our program a little bit compact and quite rush since we need to leave in the afternoon.

When we reached there, we assembled again to take picture in front of CANON's building

Than we was briefed on safety along the factory tour. Before we start seeing around, we had a short briefing about the safety and rules there. He told that some places were prohibited to take picture and handphone usage. ..

After that there was a small tour to their environmental focussed areas like their own water treatment plant and in the house fertiliser development using the food waste. That was quite cool actually.

Then, we visit the manufacturing factory where they assemble the latest digital camera product and also lens for DSLR camera. We were divided into 3 groups. Mr. Che Kok Hong,  lens assembly manager, division 4 was the person incharge to guide us touring the factory. 
All along the way, he described and explained about how the production line was maintained by several officers and their respective technician.  Apparently, they do set targets for each production line to increase productivity through healthy competition.  This does makes sense to me as it will indefinitely create a working environment that is not boring, but fun! 

Almost 98 percent of the worker is women, they work very hard assembling the camera component since everyday management already set a production target. They were divided for some department which is receiving, assembling, testing, and packaging. In Canon Opto Malaysia, they were producing the latest lens and provide it to dealer which were L240 and L114/2 .We could see from a tiny part of a camera were assembled to be a complete camera which is ready to sell.

After we done seeing around the assemble division, we entered again the hall for closing ceremony. a representative from Canon was giving a speech and then student's representative also gave a speech. Canon Opto Malaysia also prepared some presents for us for coming there.

Here, i want to share with all the readers some memorable picture as we visited Canon Opto factory.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Our sixth journal..

Assalamualaikum and we meet again after one week break. Last Tuesday,all of us were in excited to attend the class after a week holiday. It is because this week we also have the invited speaker that gave their speech and show their research to us. The class was held at level 4. As usual , En Ridzuan and Prof Kamal  entered the class first to briefing about the project that we have to do.

After one hour briefing, The invited speaker entered the class to give the speech and also to show his research. Firstly, let me introduce to all of you his biodata. His name is Mr Vivek Panicker. He is Executive Director of Titan Thermal Solution.

The title for his presentation is Electronic System In Industry. The contents of his presentation can be divided to 4 section.

                                               Overview of Electronic System

In this section, he explain the definition of electronics and also the role of electronic system in industry. He also said that this electronic system will be a mainstay in future development. Here I want to show to you all the readers the progression of electronic systems.

                                                       Miniature electronic device

                                                             Complex electronic device

                                                              Digital  electronic device

                                              Role of Electronic in Industry

 In this section, there are many role ef electronics in industry which is vital to current information and technology era. It also can penetrated seamlessly through various industries and lastly more industries now are heavily dependent on electronics.

Then, conventional can be divided into few groups :

  • Consumer Electronics
          -Oldest segment of electronics with the advent of radio receivers.
          -Geared towards the push of consumer products.

  • Industrial Electronics
           -Oriented towards manufacturing product requires by industry
            -Process controlled equipment, robotic equipment for test and measurement.

  • Defence
          -creates spin-off electronics for other segments.
          -Frontier of modern elecronics.

  • Communications.
          -current rapid for growing field.

  • Information Processing System
          -Development of Intergrated Circuit, Application Specific Intergrated Circuit design

  • Medical
         -Creation of medical testing and monitoring equipment.

  • Imaging
         -Developing and providing the platform for new technique.

After that, Mr Viveck explain  more the field of imaging industry. Here, let me show to you all the readers what Mr Viveck show on his presentation.

                                                   Overview of Imaging Industry

                                                               Chemical Imaging

                                                            Digital Imaging

                                                             Geophysical Imaging

Medical imaging

                                                      Molecular imaging 

                                                       Radar Imaging

After that, I want to brief more on Pixel & Resolution....

Pixel & Resolution..

  • More pixels in an image, the more sharper and clearer the image.

Below image will show the proof of above statements..

Video & Frames....

  • More frames per second, the lesser the jitter in the video.

                                           Electronic within Thermal Imaging Industry

He also gave us a formula of incident image..

       Incident image = Emitted image + Transmitted image + Reflected image

Graphical depiction of the linear interpolation model for sub pixel 2D motion. The shaded pixels represents the interpolated irradiance value at time k + 1.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Canon Opto Malaysia

                           Assalamualaikum to all the readers.

Last Tuesday, our class became very special because the invited speakers from Canon Opto Malaysia and he is Encik Azlan which is Senior Manager Administration.. All of us very excited to attend the seminar and we all came punctually..

The lecture that he presented was Electronic System Related to Industry Automation. After he introduce about himself biodata, he showed to us about canon philosophy and it is KyoSei. let me explain more what is KyoSei. Kyo is Japanese word means together and Sei word means living. So KyoSei means living together.

Then, all of us knows that canon opto in Malaysia is the lens manufacturing factory. En Azlan presented to us the lens that canon opto produced which is spherical lens and also penta prism. Now i want to show to you all the readers what is spherical lens.

After that, this is penta prism.

Ok. For next section, En Azlan showed to us 4 features that canon opto used in their products to make canon products can compete with other electronics produts and also can full the market demand. There is EQCD. Let me explain what is  EQCD.

E = Environment.
Q = Quality.
C = Cost.
D = Delivery.

 After that, En Azlan told us that canon followed the Japanese work style in their work. Now let me shared with you all the readers what their work style.

           This word came from three words which is Houkoku means report, Renraku which means contact        and Soudan  which means reality.

          Comes from three words also which Genba means actual spot, Genbutsu means actual thing and Genjitsu means  reality.

  • 5 S
         unfortunately, En Azlan cant explain more on this 5s workstyle because the time he had just a little bit and he just summarised the 5s workstyle
Ok. To end my post about canon opto. i want to shared with you all the readers their new lens

Canon Rebel T4i and EF 40mm f/2.8 STM Hybrid AF Video Test

For the conclusion, I really hope that I can work with canon opto because from what En Azlan explained to us, canon can make products that can save the environment and all of us know that canon is the famous company around the world and it can make me proud when they can accept me to work with them.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Bio-Electronic Engineering....

Assalamualaikum and hello to all the readers. We meet again this week because this week , we have to update another lecture that have we learned in this week class. This week all section 1 and section 2 students have been combined because there is no more workshop after this. So En Ridzuan doesn't conducted our class for this week and his place taken by DrAzran. This is our first class with him and we were very excited to start the class. For our first half of the class which started at 9.00 am, Dr Azran briefed to us the introduction of bioelectronic. 
This is the definition of bioelectronics.
  • Bioelectronic is a recently coined term for a field of research that works to establish a synergy between electronics and biology.                                                                                                                        

Before that, Dr Azran did some revise on the topic that we have learned before this which is 
         1.Electric component.

                 2.Electric symbol.

            5.Series and Parallel circuit

                          6.Voltage divider.


After finished revised, Dr Azranbriefed to us the introduction of bioelectronics.

The picture below showed the eukaryotes cell.

After that, we also have learned about DNA.

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA. Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria 
The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, and more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in all people. The order, or sequence, of these bases determines the information available for building and maintaining an organism, similar to the way in which letters of the alphabet appear in a certain order to form words and sentences.
DNA bases pair up with each other, A with T and C with G, to form units called base pairs. Each base is also attached to a sugar molecule and a phosphate molecule. Together, a base, sugar, and phosphate are called a nucleotide. Nucleotides are arranged in two long strands that form a spiral called a double helix. The structure of the double helix is somewhat like a ladder, with the base pairs forming the ladder’s rungs and the sugar and phosphate molecules forming the vertical sidepieces of the ladder.
An important property of DNA is that it can replicate, or make copies of itself. Each strand of DNA in the double helix can serve as a pattern for duplicating the sequence of bases. This is critical when cells divide because each new cell needs to have an exact copy of the DNA present in the old cell.

This is the structure of DNA.
After 90 minutes , the lecture finished and Prof Kamal took the class.Dr Kamal lecture is just he wanna brief on the next assignment we have to do which is making a poster about the chapter we get.There are three types of area we have to do which is Industrial Automation System, Bioelectronic System and Embedded System. The dateline of this assignment is 27th November and it takes only 3 weeks to finish this assignment. Nevermind, we confident that we can finish it successfully.

I think that's all I wanna post for this week and until we meet again for another interesting lecture. I promise that I will share with all of the readers what we going to learn. That's all. Assalamualaikum.